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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Farfisa?

From: Scott Carr <scott@...>
Date: 2002-05-02


Thanks alot - this was very helpful!


Bruce Wahler wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> >I've been tewaking around with a couple of organ patches trying to come
> >up with an authentic Farfisa sound to no avail. Anyone have a few
> >patches of this ilk lying around that they'd be so kind as to post to
> >the files section for reference?
> I don't have a Farfisa for my AN1x, because all of my pianos and other claviers are programmed on my Alesis S4. However, I can give you the recipe for the sound, as I used all analog-synth waveforms in creating it:
> 1. You'll need to use Dual mode on the AN1x, as you will need 3-4 oscillators to program the sound. Program three oscillators to start: 16' (Course Pitch = -12), 8' (0), and 4' (+12).
> 2. Use narrow pulse waves for the basic sound, running from about 33% on the 4' (and 2', if needed) to ~15% on the 16' settings. Set them up with no detune or PWM and a reasonably strong Edge setting; start with ~110. If you are looking for a "Multi-Tone Boost" kind of Farfisa sound, then narrow the waves by 25%.
> 3. The output level of the oscillators should taper off very slightly from 16' up; try 16' = 127, 8' = 122, 4' = 117 for starter. The VCF should be wide open, or nearly so.
> 4. The low end on a Farfisa is mediocre. You can simulate this by using the HPF to roll off a bit of bass. Use your ear as a guide, or do the following: Turn down all the oscillators except the 16', and adjust the HPF until lowest 1-2 notes on the AN1x are almost inaudible.
> 5. Add vibrato to taste. I found it most useful to use a knob or the mod wheel to add it. The vibrato is a combination of pitch modulation and a tiny bit of PWM. Standard combo organ vibrato is about 6Hz. For extra credit, program an adjustable 4-6 speed knob, as Farfisas usually have a vibrato speed tab.
> 6. After playing around with the sound levels, pulse widths, and Edge settings, if the sound is still not "right," try adding a bit of 2' (+24) pitch, with the same pulse width as the 4' oscillator.
> I hope this helps.
> Regards,
> -BW
> --
> Bruce Wahler
> Ashby Solutions™
> CloneWheel Support Group moderator
> 978.386.7389 voice/fax
> bruce@...
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