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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Using .MID voices

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2002-04-30

Once you have it in sonar you can then play the midi file which should
send loads of sysex to the AN.

In article <aals5c+51k2@...>, nuvalerium <alan@...>
>One day I will spend some time learning all this. In the meantime, I
>will continue to ask stupid questions. Having downloaded some free
>patches for my An1x, I unzipped the files to find they are in .MID
>format. How do I use these with the AN1x? If I try to open them with
>AN1xEdit, it says "wrong file version". I can open the files with
>SONAR but what good does that do me. I need a larger brain so if
>anyone has one spare, please mail me :-)
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See ya,
