In a message dated 29/4/02 10:23:54 am,
koichifukuda@... writes:
>AN1x doesn't respond to any MIDI data from LAMP4.8.1. I'm
>using Mac OS9.2.2, MIDIMAN midisport 2x2
Ahh- you are having the problem I have too!- nobody seems to have an
explanation apart from the fact that the 2X2 is to blame. It's strange
because I have absolutely no problem running my Nord Modular in the
background with Logic (MacOS8.6/ LAP7.2/ OMS 2.7)
Tom- sorry I can't be much more useful- but I'd be interested in your results
with a different midi interface)
Also, are your experiences (apart from with the AN1x) good with OS9.2.2???