Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: AN1x Music Database

From: jondl <jondl@...>
Date: 2000-05-27

I've set-up a test database here at eGroups. The intent is to provide a
medium where people could list their tracks, a description, and URL's
from where the tracks could be listened to.

Good news, bad news though.

You can do cool things like sort the list by categories, import data,
and print the entire list. Unfortunately, it does not provide dynamic
HTML updates, i.e., the URLs appear as text only :-(

Take a look under the Database section and let me know what you
think. Should we pursue this further? If so, what additional fields
should be added to the database? Opinions please.



Featuring support for the Ensoniq ASR-X Pro Sampler and Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer