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Subject: [AN1x] Re: AN1x Logic environments. eek!

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-04-29

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Quilty Kim <vick_timson@y...> wrote:
> Do you know if there's a way to dump patches onto
> something like say an es1 or any other vsti for that
> matter? Thanks.
> Quilty


Program data is nearly always product specific, i.e., AN1x SysEx
cannot be loaded into VSTi or Logic instruments and vice versa.
Whiel there are exception they are uncommon. You'll typically find
free user patches on product specific forums, i.e., check any of
the Logic forums at Yahoo! or Sonikmatter for ES1 patches,
EXS24 samples, NI forums for Absynth or Reaktor patches, etc.

If you are familiar with subtractive synthesis concepts such as
OSC, Filter, VCA, LFOs and EGs you'll find the principals are
applicable to many modern synths - allowing you to to
approximate a type of sound, i.e., Bass, Pad, Lead, etc. by
programming it yourself.

> --- Kamy <kamy@e...> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I was wondering how I can setup the an1x logic
> > > environments I found in the folder. It seems very
> > > complicated and I thought it would've been setup
> > from
> > > the start. Do I merge it with my default
> > environment
> > > which has a mixer and such? Thanks.
> >
> >
> > Wherever you see the object "midi interface" in
> > those environments, go ahead
> > and replace it with your AN1x Object(instrument).
> > It should work.
> >
> > Kamy
> >

Fromt he Environment Layer of Logic Audop, use the Import
Layer command to import layers from a standard, cross platform
.lso file into your Environment . Then, as Kamy said, look to see if
there is an object for a MIDI Interface already present in the new
layer - it will need to be updated to match your actual MIDI
Interface - copy & paste is the path of least resistance. Here's a
realted article I hope you find useful

