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Subject: Re: [AN1x] is there anything bad about it?

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-04-27

This is a RIDICULOUS question!!

In my ideal world, you go to sleep and this 'black box' next to my bed
records my dreams and interprets them into sound and patterns, which the
following day, I discover to my delight- the track is now written and
completed in my powerbook.- dream on!!

How many synths have you used which are perfect??- answer- NONE!

Limitations are good- they force you to use your imagination (unless you
don't have any). All these questions to me is more like someone who is unsure
whether they want to get on with it or not

My Clavia Nord Modular is one heck of a machine to program, but can sound
thin. My AN1x is a pig to program but the sounds it produces are comparible
to the sounds in my dreams.

There- I can't make a better recommendation than that, can I?