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>all i hear is good things about the an1x.... there has to beAll things being equal, there isn't much that you could call "bad" about our blue friend. I've heard the sound described as "grainy," but frankly, I don't hear it. If a given patch has too much digital edge, try backing off a touch on the Edge control on the waveforms, and it goes right away. The filters are warm, and the effects are plenty useable. Some of the CONTROLS, however, are a little grainy; in particular, the Free EG doesn't have quite as much resolution as I might like -- at least, in a perfect world. It's also a little quirky from time to time: Sometimes, it exhibits some OS funny-business where changing a parameter or two results in some unexpected output. I wish it had about twice as many knobs for programming. And I wish the onboard sequencer was longer than 16 notes sometimes. However, given the price of the AN1x, as compared to say, reasonably comparable Virus or Waldorf offerings, it's a pretty amazing instrument.
>something about that sucks... beside only 2 multi-timbral... well?