Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x] is there anything bad about it?

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2002-04-27

>all i hear is good things about the an1x.... there has to be
>something about that sucks... beside only 2 multi-timbral... well?

All things being equal, there isn't much that you could call "bad" about our blue friend. I've heard the sound described as "grainy," but frankly, I don't hear it. If a given patch has too much digital edge, try backing off a touch on the Edge control on the waveforms, and it goes right away. The filters are warm, and the effects are plenty useable. Some of the CONTROLS, however, are a little grainy; in particular, the Free EG doesn't have quite as much resolution as I might like -- at least, in a perfect world. It's also a little quirky from time to time: Sometimes, it exhibits some OS funny-business where changing a parameter or two results in some unexpected output. I wish it had about twice as many knobs for programming. And I wish the onboard sequencer was longer than 16 notes sometimes. However, given the price of the AN1x, as compared to say, reasonably comparable Virus or Waldorf offerings, it's a pretty amazing instrument.

I've owned a lot of synthesizers (as opposed to ROMplers) over the years -- Korg Mini-Korg, Poly 61, MonoPoly, DW6000, and DW8000; Roland Juno-6, Juno-106, and D-50; Yamaha CS10, DX9, and TX81z. I think the AN1x stands up to any of them. I bought it three years ago from a music store liquidation sale as a "6-month diversion" piece, based solely on price, but it has earned a place in my stable lineup.



Bruce Wahler
Ashby Solutions™
CloneWheel Support Group moderator
978.386.7389 voice/fax