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Subject: Re: [AN1x] mod wheel madness

From: "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@...>
Date: 2002-04-25

You know what the mod wheel is
> asigned too? Nothing!

AHA!!!! (JUADAFA - jumping up and down, arms flailing about)

I KNEW there was some operating system strangeness in that Annix. On the one
hand, you've got yer people like Jon and Gary who have confidence in the
interactive structure of this complicated thing. And then, there's peeps like
me and the Rainbow who find the strangest stuff... particularly about the
matrix. Maybe it's really involved with THE Matrix, and we've found the White
Rabbit we've been looking for.

Meanwhile - Hey Jimmy, could you dump the patch into the AN1x editor and take a
look at what the 'puter says? And then could you upload it to the files
section? I'd love to twist my Annix's brain for a while.

Ed Edwards
Leader: Ezekiel's Wheel »»»»Retro-Progressive Rock««««

----- Original Message -----
From: "spaceanimals" <alciere@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 6:31 PM
Subject: [AN1x] mod wheel madness

> I wiped out preset 26 and built a sync lead on scene 1. Later after
> messing around and not knowing what I was doing, I got a great fuzzed
> out organ tone on scene 2. Always believing that too much of
> everything is just enough, I layered the sounds. So the Spaceanimals
> jammed the other day and I'm playing this patch noodling with the mod
> wheel and getting this real nice phase shifted sound, with the note
> slightly out of tune when I first bring up the wheel, but going back
> into tune as the wheel goes up. It sounds almost like I'm morphing
> between the sounds, but only only one scene button is pushed. So I
> check the matrix for both scenes. Not only that, but both scenes are tuned
> exactly the same so if somehow I'm morphing the scenes, they
> shouldn't be out of tune.
> I set all four free egs to control the fine tune parameters, 1 and
> two covering the oscillators in scene one, and 3 and 4 covering the
> oscillators on scene two. A nice very subtle effect the tuning
> drifting-only a few cents just like the old analog beasts.
> Rainbow Jimmy
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