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Subject: Re: AN200 software

From: "gndjm23964" <gnmorgan@...>
Date: 2002-04-19

Is there a Mac version of it on your disc? Wouldn't mind seeing if
it will work with an AN1X. Think you can upload it to the files


--- In AN1x-list@y..., <autodafe@t...> wrote:
> I'm new to this list so first of all Hi everybody!
> I just bought a AN200 desktopo synth and I have the XGworks
software which came bundled. I installed it under WinXP , but the
app crashes on startup. "Cannot find entry point for...."
> Anyone is using this app under XP. I bought the AN200 partly
for this software and for the ability to program the voices and
> It's a pain i cannot use it under XP