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>Glad you're happy with the JP8000. Personally, I just didn't bond with
> From: "analog8" <analog8@...>
> Glad to finally see an AN1X list with some traffic!!
> Here's an ice breaker for you. I picked up my AN1X cheap
> during the blowout. I also have a JP8000. Although I've
> got a ton of patches and software that supports the AN1X,
> and almost nothing for the JP, I always find myself going
> back to the JP because a) the sound just seems richer and
> b) the controls on the AN1X drive me crazy! Having said
> that, I use the AN1X on a lot of tracks, but almost never
> as the lead. What do other people think, and what sort
> of sounds do they find the AN1X best for?
>So is the AN1x ;-)
> Perhaps we should also start putting together a SoundDiver
> library file of all the available patches for the AN1X? The
> AN1XEdit program is quite good but from memory it is
> limited to 128 patches per file.
> Who else is using SoundDiver?It's an interesting idea though and I can see where SD users would find
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