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Subject: Re: [AN1x] re:real instrument sounds

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-04-13

In a message dated 12/4/02 9:12:43 pm, alciere@... writes:

>Also, check out some of the late
>60s early 70s orchestral synthesizer stuff-Wendy Carlos, Dick Hyman,
>Suzanne Ciani...
Wow-you mention Dick Hyman!- as far as standards go, I think 'Moongas' was
his best album, and not a synthesiser in sight.

But I would also recommend listening to Tomita, like Carlos he was a master
at synthesiser programming- especially on his earlier lp's.- the later ones
are just a bit too prog rock for my tastes.

Another person, although much harder to find was Asmus Tietchens- especially
his ballet music- similar to The Residents and early Aphex Twin. I don't know
what synth he used, but he created incredible acoustic like textures with it-
in fact, very similar in sound to the AN1x. (maybe it was a CS80?)
