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>--- In AN1x-list@y..., Kamy <kamy@e...> wrote:--
>> > --- In AN1x-list@y..., "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@y...> wrote:
>> >> I don't mean to sound facetious but this appears to be
>similar to
>> >> the Environment in Logic Audio.
>> >
>> > That was my first thought as well...except, a version of
>> > that runs in your sequencer...hmmmmm :)
>> >
>> > Tom
>> It would be an overkill to operate the 2 timbre of AN1x through
>an ext.
>> sequencer.
>> Kamy
>How so? Why do you say that? Have you worked with any of the
>AN1x or PLG150AN Logic Environments? They're available from
>the Files section and from
>Remember, we're discussing the ability to manipulate and store
>hardware specific SysEx in addition to MIDI CCs, RPNs, and
>NRPNs from within a sequence - something I contest can
>already be done today within a Logic Environment (or along
>similar lines with SoundDiver + Logic. Or even Galaxy + Vision
>for that matter.) To my way of thinking OPT = CAL but all "growed
>up" and I don't to see why Cubase users would favor this?
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