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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: OT: Yamaha Debuts New Open Plug-in Technology

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2002-04-04

As a vst user I would favour OPT over nothing, because that is
effectively what we have in VST for external Midi devices at the moment.

At the moment we have to use Hubis and another external midi
application, which is a pain in the backside, and unnecessary. WE can't
use logic environments, but with OPT there is no need for external apps,
so it will keep the system/midi overheads to a minimum too, plus
providing more than just synth editing options.

In article <a8hol0+97l8@...>, jondl_2000 <jondl_2000@...>
>--- In AN1x-list@y..., Kamy <kamy@e...> wrote:
>> > --- In AN1x-list@y..., "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@y...> wrote:
>> >> I don't mean to sound facetious but this appears to be
>similar to
>> >> the Environment in Logic Audio.
>> >
>> > That was my first thought as well...except, a version of
>> > that runs in your sequencer...hmmmmm :)
>> >
>> > Tom
>> It would be an overkill to operate the 2 timbre of AN1x through
>an ext.
>> sequencer.
>> Kamy
>How so? Why do you say that? Have you worked with any of the
>AN1x or PLG150AN Logic Environments? They're available from
>the Files section and from
>Remember, we're discussing the ability to manipulate and store
>hardware specific SysEx in addition to MIDI CCs, RPNs, and
>NRPNs from within a sequence - something I contest can
>already be done today within a Logic Environment (or along
>similar lines with SoundDiver + Logic. Or even Galaxy + Vision
>for that matter.) To my way of thinking OPT = CAL but all "growed
>up" and I don't to see why Cubase users would favor this?
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