A version of any synth/Sampler editor you choose inside your sequencer
of choice is what appeals to me, no more hubis loopback devices to make
Midi ports multiclient, I like the idea of getting the same kind of
access to my 'real' synths as you get to a vsti. From what I can see,
OPT is a breath of life for 'hardware' midi devices. Now we just have
to wait for the programmers to come up with some neat stuff for us to
it probably does sound a bit like logic environments, but then again
environments are a purely Logic thing, OPT is for everyone, and I'm sure
that a long hard look would have been taken at the architectures that
were available at the time of developing OPT, and the good bits would be
taken into consideration.
Steinberg are giving SX buyers a load of Cakewalk midi plugins (Which I
am sure will be useful) but the thing that bothers me most is that while
VST is upgrading to version SX (at a price), while Sonar (Err, isn't
that CAKEWALK Sonar?) isn't upgrading to a new version (Or price), but
is adding support for OPT!
So, us steiny users will get a load of Cakewalk hand-me downs, while
sonar users get shiny new OPT Plugin support :-( (No doubt funded by
the sale of Cakewalk midi plugins to Steinberg, LOL)
In article <
a8h195+1kbj@...>, tomfinegan <
>--- In AN1x-list@y..., "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@y...> wrote:
>> I don't mean to sound facetious but this appears to be similar to
>> the Environment in Logic Audio.
>That was my first thought as well...except, a version of AN1xedit
>that runs in your sequencer...hmmmmm :)
See ya,