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Subject: bulk dumps... cheap soundcards... plg150 vl..

From: "zinspace" <zinspace@...>
Date: 2002-04-02

Score one for Jon. (see his comments below) I just picked up a
used sw1000xg. Bulk dump worked on first try. I'm psyched...
and now I can pick up a plg150-vl to fool with too. If anybody has
one for sale, please email. Thanks. Fred.

hello Fred,
> Can't receive bulk dumps from AN1x edit: I get "Sysex size
> every time I try to send more than one voice from my pc to the
> I can individually send one voice at a time to the keyboard. I
> also receive voices from the keyboard (either one at a time or
as a
> bulk dump of all voices). But no matter what I do, I can't send a
> bulk set of voices from my pc to the keyboard without getting
> the 'sysex error.' This is a real PIA. On page 95 of the manual,
> under 'receive bulk dump,' it says that the kind of data that can
> received depends on the keyboards midi mode. This is why
I'm trying
> to change the MIDI mode...

This problem is not a result of the AN1x being in either mode1 or
mode2. This problem is the result of your MIDI Interface. AN1x
SysEx data is unusually large compared to comparable
synthesizers and it is well known that it easily hogs the
bandwidth of inexpensive sound card MIDI Ports. I urge you to
consider upgrading to a 'proper' MIDI Interface from a name
brand manufacturer suchas MOTU, MIDIMAN, Emagic,
Steinberg, etc. Take care when selecting a USB only MIDI
Interface as they do not all perform equally with PC and Mac
(crossplatform claims aside...) particulalry on the Mac using
AN1xEdit :-(

