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Subject: Re: Sysex Trouble

From: "Pete's Account" <peter.scullion@...>
Date: 2002-03-29

No it happens on all the other effects parameters except depth! It is the
strangest thing as its never happened before. even stranger as I change the
delay time the messge flashs up, and the AN seems to be sending a stream of
Sysex making the sequencer slow down/sound break up.

Bizare as its never ever happened before, it is connected using a budget
MPU401 joystick adapter thing which has never given me any trouble before
accept, actually you have to make sure you switch the AN of before PC as it
'zaps' the AN which sends up a 'signal not valid message' or something?

Are there any decent (& cheapish) USB midi I/O's worth getting I have midi
on my Soundcard (SW1k) but use that to connect my sampler, (need midi I/O to
use editor otherwise would put te sampler as midi through) I've also heard
that USB Interfaces can be problematic with AN edit/bZone etc.

I do hope my beloved synths not buggered, maybe it will be fine tommorow!


Message: 15
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:55:45 -0000
From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Subject: Re: Sysex Trouble

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Pete's Account" <peter.scullion@t...> wrote:
> Help,
> I'm using my AN1X with Cubase, and as I'm changing the
delay time I'm getting a message flashing on the AN's screen
saying sysex error or soemthing, does anybody know how to
cure this?

That's odd indeed...I've seen the error message you describe but
not under those conditions. I assume you mean Delay Depth
(MIDI CC #094), correct? Since this is a standard MIDI CC - not
SysEx you wouldn't think the AN1x would 'choke' like that.

> Is it Cubase or a fauklt with the AN?

I suspect it is neither Cubase or the AN1x but rather your MIDI
Interface. What make model are you using - and can you tell us
more about your system - Mac or PC, oeratings system level, etc.
If you're using one of those game port type MIDI Interfaces I'll tell
you right now to get a real MIDI Interface from the likes of
Emagic, Steinberg, MIDIMAN or MOTU and save yourself the
headache ;-)

> Thanks in advance
> P


