Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: AN1X Edit problem.
From: "ransomdj" <ransom@...>
Date: 2002-03-18
Hi, just signed on and looking for some help. I'm using an eMagic
MT4 USB MIDI interface, and only have my sampler and a Yamaha AN1X
synth hooked up so far. I just installed AN1X Edit on my Mac, and I
can do a bulk dump to my AN1X from it, and anything I tweak in the
program effects the synth, but I can't do a bulk dump from the AN1X
to the Mac. OMS is okay, and the prefs in the edit program have MIDI
IN and OUT going to and from the synth.
Any one know what could be wrong?