--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Pete's Account" <peter.scullion@t...> wrote:
> Jon, thanks once again for coming up with the goods,
> I got the articles, & they look very helpful will test them out
> tommorow.
The beauty of those Keyabord/NI articles is the hands on
approach using the freeware Soundforum synth. The principals
of subtractive synthesis taught in this fine series of articels is
applicable to ANY synth - not just the Soundforum synth or AN1x
(Too bad the Soundforum synth doesn't function as a VSTi or
support ReWire - that would make it much nicer to integrate with
other soft synths - but then again NI's already giving it away for
free ;-)
> What I mean by LFO envelope is some way of changing the
LFO speed or depth
> over time, without moving a knob or using a sequencer, is it
possible to do
> this with the step sequencer perhaps?
Yes, you can use the Step Sequencer to sequence the MIDI CC
assigned to LFO Speed or Depth for each step in your user
sequnece. Or, you can use a FreeEG Track to record the Knob
movement for LFO Speed or Depth in a similar manner. Both
approaches will work - try them out and see which suits your
needs. The 1st approach has a benefit - those MIDI CC's
assigned to each step in your user sequence can be transmitted
to an external MIDI Module. But the second approach is less
tedious to program.