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Subject: [AN1x] Re: Hello and help!

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-03-10

--- In AN1x-list@y..., terryfunken@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 7/3/02 3:29:51 am, jondl_2000@y...
> >From your description I'll hazard a guess you are
experiencing a
> >MIDI Loop in your set-up. How is the AN1x Object defined in
> >Autoload environment? When using the AN1x as a bitimbral
> >sound source (Layer = Dual) each Scene must be set to an
> >individual MIDI Receive Channel (Rx Ch under
> >Do the channel settings for your AN1x object in the
> >match the Rx Ch settings in the AN1x Voice you are using?
> Dear Jon and Phil
> Yep I'm on OMS 2.3.7- because that's what Midiman
> Is there an Opcode upgrade for 3.7?- I thought Opcode went

Yes, thhere is an OMS v2.3.8 which has been available for quite
awhile now - it's available from the Opcode 'site. And yes again,
Opcode did 'go bust' but not without a little push from Gibson to
put them over the edge.

> I have considered an AMT8 but that relies sorely on drivers
> in LAP- and I also use a Nord Modular (which even wild horses
> drag me away from!)- and that HAS to be used with OMS.

As Phil mentioned in his reply - the AMT8 comes with an OMS
driver so you will be good to go running the AMT8 and OMS
v2.3.8. And it's my understanding the Nord Mod and Micro Mod
only ∗need∗ OMS for the stand alone editing application. Do you
∗really∗ need to run the Nord Editor simultaneously with Logic or
is this just a matter of convienance, i.e., something you can live
without? SImply configure a Nord object for MIDI Note/CC events
in Logic and leave the editing sessions out of the equation.

I've configured Logic Audio with the 'Use OMS in addition to the
built-in MIDI driver' settings. I made a write up of the process for
a couple other users who were trying the same approach at the
same time I was - I'll be happy to pass it along to you.

> Jon, I'm using LAP 4.7.2 (which I have found more stable than
> The AN1x is defined individually as channel 15 and 16
> in the environment. Yes the AN1x is set to dual in Layer and the
> channels in UTILTY/SETUP as 15 and 16- I DO know what I
am doing (just!)!,
> And yes....the AN1x object matches the Rx Ch settings...
> I have also experimented with the I/O filter settings as well- I'm
not getting
> any loops as I have through turned off (or is it on?..anyway I
don't have
> this problem
> It's something I learnt when using Cubase on Atari)

Then it sounds as though it is NOT a MIDI Loop - I would blame
the MIDIsport 2x2 at this point. On a side note, FWIW there is a
constant trickle of new member subscriptions on this list so I
∗try∗ (not always successful) to direct trouble shooting questions
to the lowest common denominator.This approach is not meant
to undermine or second guess anybodys knowledge or ability
but simply to keep anybody joining in on the thread on the same
page :-)

> Now I discover that OSX may not work with early G3's after all
> (See company that are suing Apple right now!)

I'm not certain what you mean,,,I haven't kept current on what G∗
processors OS X will run on or not...I'm barely current on the
latest Core Audio gossip...check in on the Opcode users list
from time to time and you'll find Doug Wyattt will post ;-) I figure
the MusikMesse next week(?) will bring all kinds of news.

> -I'm on a beige-platinum Artemis G3/ 333 rev C 256mb ram
> - fitted with SCSI UW2, FW, USB, 2 HD's etc etc

I'm using a beige desktop G3/466 (ZIF upgraded) rev A 512 MB
RAM with upgraded HD and a TurboMax ATA/66 card w/ a
dedicated audio HD, USB PCI card, standard SCSI, and an Echo
Gina 20-bit audio card - not going to bother with a FW upgrade
on this machine.

> the last (and greatest) in the beige series before Apple
> the Blue and White nightmare!!!

They've had their share of hits and misses...Still, I'd take a
TiBook 667 Mhz if they offered ;-)

> Oh yes My OS is 8.6.- although I'm now considering installing
OS 9

If your system is stable on 8.6 with LAP 4.7 and you're satisfied
with the functionality I wouldn't recommend upgrading for the
sake of upgrading. It's not likely to fix the stuck MIDI note problem
and you'll have gone through the typical upgrade nitpicky hassles
that inevitably occur.

I'm on 9.2.2 with LAG 4.8.1 and everything is hunky dory. The only
glitch with the LAG update was cleared by rebuilding my LAG
Preferences and resaving soe songs. BATTERY hiccuped when
I went to 9.2.2 from 9.2.1 but the problems (of which there were a
few) were all specific to BATTERY - not 9.2.2.

> I've experimented with the Modes 1 and 2- and still no

Not suprised - it shouldn't make a difference.

> The firmware I upgraded on the AN1x is rev. 1.4- is there
another update?

I haven't asked but I don't believe it would make any difference. I
had the same MIDIport 2x2 nonsense you've seen with both v1.2
and v1.4.

> Looks like I may have to buy a Wintel box after all (just for the

Cheaper to get a second MIDI Interface. I have a spare Opcode
Translator Pro 2x6 (serial) MIDI Interface I've been planning to let
go of. Email me if you're interested.

