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Subject: Re: AN200 song edits - aaaargh

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-03-07

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "tompaulsen2002" <tompaulsen2002@y...>
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "ventilator_sda" <lex@l...> wrote:
> > Anyone have ANY idea how I could go about editing AN200
song data
> > without having to use the rather twiddly method
recommended? Why,
> oh
> > why (Mr Yamaha) is there no song editor included in the
> desktop
> > editor?
> >
> > Or can anyone tell me if there's some way I can get into a
> data
> > dump from the AN200 and muck around with song data...?
> Hm, the Editor for my DX200 has a built-in step-sequencer
editor, but
> i guess that´s not what you specifically mean, right?

Why don't you sync your AN200 to a sw sequencer and dump the
data in realtime, i.e., record the song into Cubase, Logic, or
whatever. Is it correct to assume the ∗∗200 series cannot export
a SMF?
