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----- Original Message -----
From: "tuskermusic" <tuskerfort@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 5:07 PM
Subject: [AN1x] Re: Digital popping noise problem with AN1x
> > I also had the popping problem, and I've noticed that it occurs
> when the
> > synth isn't 'warmed up yet' on patches with scene morping (both
> leds above
> > mod wheel) is turned on.
> My experience is similar. The popping happened on cold days when the
> AN1X fired up on any patch with scene morphing. Morph patches could
> be played successfully, as long as the AN1X powered up to a patch
> that didn't have scene morphing. To solve the problem, none of my
> patches are stored as "scene morph" patches. I just toggle the scene-
> morph on, after firing up the machine.
> Haven't experienced any recurrence of the problem in the two years
> since I made the change. Hoping this works for you,
> Jerry
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