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> --- In AN1x-list@y..., Kamy <kamy@e...> wrote:interface object in
>> hey group
>> Tried to run AN1x stepper/variation on Logic/Mac/AMT8.
>> But it seems they are not communicating. I saw a midi
>> the environment of above virtual gears , but I don't know how toHey Jon
> configure
>> them.
>> Any hint is appreciated.
> Hi Kamy,
> The simplest thing to do is to Copy the AN1x object from one of
> your working environment layers and Paste it into the AN1x Step
> layer to replace the MTP object. Note: you'll probably need to
> deselect the 'Protect Cabling/Positions' option from the View
> menu before issue the Paste command.
> This should do the trick.
> regards,
> Jon