From: "tuskermusic" <
> Well, here's a challenge.
> How do you make the sound of bagpipes on the AN1X?
> Think of Mull of Kintyre where the tune modulates up a fourth and the
> sound of distant bagpipes comes in. I'd like to do something like
> that (many bagpipes, in the distance).
Now that's a very long time ago, that song.
One of the best renditions of bagpipes I know is on Vangelis' track
'Voices', from the album with the same name. Reportedly, this was done with
a Yamaha VL-1 physical modelling synthesiser. (I'm playing the track right
now, because I quite like it.)
To do it with an analogue modelling synthesiser may be quite a challenge.
There are quite a few sounds you can't do with one, like a piano or a guitar
(either acoustic or electric). Maybe a bagpipe is one of them.
It could be a challenge, especially if you want to make it sound
half-decent, and if you want more than one.
After all, the same track has a Yamaha CS-80 in it, and even that it nearly
impossible to do with an AN1x...
- Peter