Hi Dysonn,
AFAIK, one can't disable program change from the AN1x, however, on the
JP-8080, under "MIDI" there's an option called "Tx/Rx ProgChg Sw". Switch
this off and the JP-8080 will now ignore any program changes.
Are you working with a sequencer? If so, I'd leave the JP-8080 Program
Change Switch on, and be sure to not change presets on the AN1x while
working/recording/editing a JP-8080 sequence. Maybe you have a need to
control both synths from the AN1x at the same time(?), but this is what I'd
Hope that helps.
From: "dysonn1" <
AN1x-list@yahoogroups.comDate: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 03:07:45 -0000
AN1x-list@yahoogroups.comSubject: [AN1x] Program Change--Need Help!!
Hi guys, I have an AN1x that is controlling my JP-8080 and I cannot
figure out how to shut off the program change commands the AN1x is
sending the JP. Whenever I change an AN1x patch the JP also changes
its patch which is annoying. Could anyone please give me some advice
on how to remedy this. Thanks in advance.
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