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Subject: -- AN1X mods -- disregard previos one

From: "Andrea TONI" <Andrea.Toni@...>
Date: 2002-02-23

Hi Phil

well i may partly agree but ...

-- the AN1X can be found for 400 450 euro for as much as i like it
i certanily can't say is a classic like a Jupiter 8 or else
so i dont feel so guilty in modifying the cosmetics (and if i do it
.. i will do it pro-way :-)) besides it was also manufactured in cheapo
plastic .. and maybe is me but i like functional mods ,
they make the things more personal unique and more useful
(In same insane moments i even tought to redesign with knobs only
the all panel of my Jupiter 6 so that i keep more space on the
right for .. extras .. !:_)

-- the space on the right that u mention is alredy busy with my QY70
that fits there perfectly ! besides as soemone mention already on
here ,that space can be use for a dopfer pocket or in my case i tought
already to strip down a JLC fader master from faders to pots and fit it
in ... we will see !

-- If i do as u suggest i will loose the combined funcionality of both
pedals and panel contros, cos i wont be able to wire internally
(ok maybe I can replicate the 3 jacks on the back) .. still i
wouldn't like to have a floating box around for a mere
2 knobs and 1 switch

... i am in the mood .. i think tomorrow i will go for it :-)
i have all the parts here (very very small) and made alredy pencil
signs on where to drill :-) . .. so i will keep u up to date
.. with some pix as well hopefully


> Hi Andrea,
> Maybe it's just me who likes everything kept in original, mint
> condition, but I think such a mod, despite how useful, is only going to
> detract from the value of this now quite rare and highly desirable
> synth. The way I might go about it is to build the pots and switches
> into a small case, plug them into the regular sockets on the back using
> cables/connectors, and sit the box on the vacant space on the top
> right-hand side of the synth. There's even a special lip there to
> prevent the box slipping down onto the keys.
> What do you think?
> Phil