Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: PLG150AN + SW1000XG Problems
From: "happs1981" <jigmaster@...>
Date: 2002-02-19
Hi all,
This is probably a newbie question considering I'm new to this list
and the PLG150AN.
I have tried everything that I can think of (using my not so advanced
understanding) and read through, so thought I'd try and ask
directly ...
I want to be able to get XGPad, Cubase (or other sequencer) and
AN1xEdit to run simultaneously so I can dedicate just one (for now)
channel to the PLG150AN and the rest to the patches on the SW1000XG.
Up to now I've been making my sound with AN1xEdit and then exporting
it to a .mid file and reopening it in Cubase so the sysex messages
get loaded after I've played the track a bit. This is fine(ish) but
as soon as I pick a sound in XGPad on Channel 1 (or reopen it after
restarting) it removes my hard work and I'm back to the Grand Piano
sound. Do you get what I mean ? Heh.
Basically ...
I want Channel 1 in Cubase (Cakewalk, or Logic Audio) to be used to
control the PLG150AN (AN1xEdit controlled) and the rest for the
soundset on the SW1000XG (XGPad controlled) without it deleting
everything afterwards.
I have tried using Hubi's loopback device, but tbh I dont get it at
all, heh.
Hope someone can PLEASE PLEASE help! (How can I make good dance
tracks without it!?) heh.
- Happs.