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Subject: Re: AN!x stepper/variation issue

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-02-14

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Kamy <kamy@e...> wrote:
> hey group
> Tried to run AN1x stepper/variation on Logic/Mac/AMT8.
> But it seems they are not communicating. I saw a midi
interface object in
> the environment of above virtual gears , but I don't know how to
> them.
> Any hint is appreciated.

Hi Kamy,
The simplest thing to do is to Copy the AN1x object from one of
your working environment layers and Paste it into the AN1x Step
layer to replace the MTP object. Note: you'll probably need to
deselect the 'Protect Cabling/Positions' option from the View
menu before issue the Paste command.

This should do the trick.

