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>--- In AN1x-list@y..., "voodu303" <nod@d...> wrote:
>> Hiya all - just reformatted and reinstalled AN1x edit and
>> have a weird problem that's never occurred in the 3 years
>> I've been running it.....
>> Namely the 'text' in the top half of the window is missing -
>> no patch names/button names! :-)
>> Now I can kinda guess my way about by know but it does make
>> it a real slog having to edit 'banks' etc...
>> When I checked there was a font called asi_system.fon that
>> installed with it and it's in the correct folder - it even appears
>> correctly in the bottom half of the app window....
>> Any ideas before I start nutting the monitor? :-)
>Perhaps you should uninstall, download a fresh copy of
>AN1xEdit from the Files section or Gary's site and reinstall from
>that. It sounds as though something is corrupted...Gary or Bruce
>know Windows better then I do...maybe they'll have a