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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: slightly OT: AN1X/cubase problems

From: "Randy Johnson" <daltec@...>
Date: 2002-02-06

Hi there Jon, and thank you for your comments! I am looking forward to giving them a try this evening. Here are some further comments, should you be interested....

> The 7500 was never going to win Apple any design awards - they
> practically rendered it obsolete within months of its initial
> release. Pissed off a lot of users ;-)

Har har.....well, I have always liked that machine - I bought it new, when it had first been released, and it has performed yeoman service ever since. I am a graphic designer by trade and a b/w G3 is my main machine, but the 7500 is it for audio. It is a snap to upgrade and service, I like that aspect of it. Thought it was a 66mhz bus, but I could very well be mistaken.

>The fact that you can record
> audio via Sound Manager using both Deck and Vision DSP
> (great program!) is great!

Yeah, otherwise I would be up you-know-what creek without a paddle, haha. Seriously, I have recorded many a track with Deck and Vision (which ∗is∗ a great program, too bad about opcode). But recording into those two programs has always been glitch-free. Stereo, mono, doesn't matter. I have to account for latency when using midi tracks, of course, but as far as recording the signal, no problems at all. I only record two tracks at a time, however.

> Are
> you able to run any VSTs - or VSTi's (more demanding on the
> System Bus)?

Yes, all of the ones that come bundled with cubase work fine. And the ones that came bundled with vision work fine too. Also the demo waves plugins worked fine, even their reverb plugs. As far as vst intruments, no, I have not tried any of those, I do not think I have any.....

>Do you have a sound card with ASIO drivers?

Just the one that came built-in with the 7500. I was thinking of looking for a cheap Korg 1212 or Audiomedia III though (or something along those lines), do you think that might help?

> 1) run off a minimal extension set if for no other reason then to
> conserve resources and place less demand on the CPU.

Always some good advice - I got into the habit of doing that a long time ago, but thanx for reminding me, I need to check my extensions set to see if anything else is running that maybe shouldn't be....

> 2) Have you defragmented and optimized your Audio drive?

No, I have not done that in a long time. I will certainly give that a try and see what happens.

> There is a free PDF named 'Optimum Setting
> for Cubase on a Mac' available for download at the
> website Have you read this yet? It might
> be of use.

Yes, I printed it out and read thru it. Several of the things I have already tried, but there are alot of other good tips in there too. Some I never would have thought of. So I'll run thru all of those too.

> It sounds like
> your 7500 meets these spec's (even exceeds them since you
> tossed in a 604 processor update.)

I forgot to mention, my 7500 has a 256k level 2 cache, vintage 1995. I understand they can cause problems with G3 upgrades, do you think it might create issues w/ Cubase?

>My gut feeling is
> either a. the bus speed of your 7500 is biting you in the butt or b.
> the audio drive needs to be defragmented or c. a combination of
> the two.

That is some good info, I will do some research into that. My barracuda drive was formatted with HWB software (also vintage 1995, haha). Maybe I should reformat with Anubis or Apple's newer utilities?

> If you need some help with a min. extension set let me know and
> I'll email you a text copy of mine.

Yeah, if you do not mind that would be a real help. The way I have 8.6 set up right now uses about 23-24 megs of ram.

Thanx alot for all of your help, Jon, I really appreciate your taking the time. I will try these things out and let you know what happens!

Have a great week, and thank you very much again!


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