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Subject: Re: Midi Madness :-)

From: "nuvalerium" <alan@...>
Date: 2002-02-04

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "tomfinegan" <tomfinegan@y...> wrote:
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@y...> wrote:
> > I'll second Bruce's observation on MOTU vs. MIDIMAN.
> To bring a third company into the game, eMagic makes very good MIDI-
> interfaces too, which can be also used stand-alone as a Patchbay. A
> friend of mine is using the AMT8, together with his PC, mostly
> because the AMT8 produces a rock-solid MIDI timing (compared to a
> software-sequencer...). He is very satisfied with it. But it is
> a bit more pricey with 645Euro.
> Tom

I had looked at the AMT8 Tom after Jon`s recommendation and it does
indeed seem like a fantastic piece of kit. It is however above my
budget. Emagic do not seem to produce an entry level interface except
in USB format. The German site recommended to me the other day has
the AMT8 listed at 429 euros which appears a great price. I am
considering it since I do have an old Yamaha DX27 and as Jon pointed
out, a perhaps redundant Alesis Datadisk to sell, so perhaps I can
raise the cash in order to go all out for a higher spec interface.
Hmmmmm... now you got me thinking :-)). Sell my DX27, my Alesis, my
Toshiba laptop, we might just do this yet.
