From: "jondl_2000" <
> Does anybody have any objections to adopting a new Subject tag
> for list messages?
> Any preferences other than "AN1x:"? I prefer "[AN]" but that
> doesn't matter one way or the other...whatever the list wants....
I'd prefer to have no tag at all. They're confusing, and in case of a
mailing list, filtering should always be done by the 'To:' field, not the
For one thing, the fact that you (Jon) always reply via the web interface,
makes that your replies always end up in a different thread in my mail
reader. (I can't really read my mail if the mails aren't grouped by
threads.) Just look at the subject of this particular mail to see what
happens: Yahoo places the 'Re:' after the '[AN1x-list]', instead of before
- Peter