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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] using AN1x to compose

From: "Bjorn Standal" <standal2000@...>
Date: 2002-01-24

As Bruce wrote, this is a time consuming way to use more than 1 or voices in a composition, but the only way to go since the beauty has a vast scar called monotimbrality which I find is the biggest flaw of the AN1x. However, layering audio in the way described by Bruce is possible, but It's almost non-practical since you can't change one single bit without re-recording the whole track. And you don't get a chance to listen to the whole mix until you've recorded all tracks, and at this point you can be certain you'd like to change effects-settings and many other things in all previous recorded tracks. But hey, if you've got the time, it's the only way. It's just such a damn shame that the AN1X is monotimbral since I (and most you guys, I believe) love its sound :-( Pity...

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