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Subject: fun with layering

From: "spaceanimals" <alciere@...>
Date: 2002-01-23

I spent Monday jamming with the other half of the Electric Starlight
Space Animals. We looped a traditional drum kit playing an African
rhythm. Then my partner came up with a bass part while I played keys.

I wanted a nice bell piano sound. I made a nice patch on my Vintage
Keys, and a nice patch on the AN1X. I don't like to layer too many
sounds-it takes up too much space in a mix. So I set up knob 1 as
breath controller. That way I can control the volume of the AN1x and
the Vintage Keys, blending them while playing. I kept the Vintage
Keys throughout, just bringing up the AN1X for a little extra
something. I increased the AN1X sustain, put a sample and hold LFO on
the pitch with a little delay. Then when I turned up the knob, I got
a nice metallic sustain, slowly drifting out of tune making a nice
atonal wash of sound. Actually it was very pretty. I also split the
keyboard so there were two similar but definitely different bell
sounds to add variety. Then I threw in some jazz chords. If the tune
wasn't so weird, it could almost be New Age.

Rainbow Jimmy