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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] using AN1x to compose

From: RayMaxer <digil@...>
Date: 2002-01-23

Well, most people use it (an-1x) with many other modules/synths/keyboards..
There are many people which never (or practically never) use ANY of their
synths in multi mode (even the ones like JV2080's and samplers). They just
use one part from AN-1x and may be switch a patch somewhere later the track
and use another one.
At the recent time I am using AN-1x this way too..
But 4 years ago it was my only synth so the only thing I had to do was to
multitrack it.. (just like guitar). Meaning , I'd compose a MIDI part and
then record it into Audio , muting Midi part afterwards...
Then I could take another patch, compose another part and so on..
Sometimes I am doing this nowadays too when there are really 2 or 3 Vital
sounds from AN-1x for the track.
But mostly I am using Virus/MicroQ/MicroWave XT and An-1x together to play my
arrangement in midi now - that surely is much easier and comfortable speaking
about editing of the parts themselves or tweaking the sounds and adjusting
them to each other.

dacomposa wrote:

> For starters, I'm extrememly new at this MIDI/synth composing thing,
> so any basic ideas, suggestions, help, etc. would be greatly
> appreciated. Here's my question:
> I just recently bought an AN1x and I've got Cakewalk ProAudio 9
> installed on my computer. I understand that there is no way to play
> multiple patches on the AN1x at the same time (which kinda sucks,
> doesn't it?) besides using the Split or Dual mode (and then you
> still only get two different sounds simultaneously). I find this to
> be somewhat limiting. Obviously I could go out and by and good rack
> module with lots of MIDI channels and just use the AN1x as my MIDI
> controller - but isn't there some way I can get around this limitation
> and simply use the AN1x by itself to create good songs in Cakewalk? I
> mean, what do you all use it for and how?
> Please help. Thanks!
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