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Subject: Re: Getting the new OS

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-01-12

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Bastiaan van de Werk" <bazziman@h...>
> Well I tried several times and the few times I got an answer
they told me to contact Yamaha in the Netherlands but these
morrons never answered any of my mails.

I found the Yamaha Netherlands web site from here:

and found the following contact info:

"If you want to get in contact to your local dutch subsidiary,please
find here the address:"

Yamaha Music Nederland
Clarissenhof 5b
4133 AB Vianen
Tel.: +31(0)347 358040
Fax: +31(0)347 358060

Have you tried them at this number and spoken to a real person
or have you only had email disappear into the abyss?


> Bastiaan van de Werk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: jondl_2000
> To: AN1x-list@y...
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 1:07 AM
> Subject: [AN1x-list] Re: Getting the new OS
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "electric_bubble" <leop@s...> wrote:
> > Thanks for the help john!
> >
> > I checked wich os i got and it seems like i have 1.01. I read
> > something about 1.04, is this the newest os available? If so,
> can i
> > get it from yamaha? I mean, i bought my an1x secondhand,
> why would
> > they like to help me then? If i can, then what should i do? Do
> you
> > know a email or a person i can contact or something? How
> you do
> > to obtain 1.04???
> Leo, you'll find answers to most of these questions
> in the Tips & Tricks section here at Yahoo! Groups:
> icks/
> Just about everything you've mentioned iin this email s a
> problem that can be corrected by having your AN1x serviced
> Yamaha. I've had some of this work completed myself some
> time ago and the problems have never reoccurred (sp?)
> You'll need to contact Yamaha Customer Assistance in your
> country to arrange for a return authorization number, shipping
> instruction, etc. I know that Yamaha offers limited tech support
> for 90-days to 2nd owners but I don't believe this applies to
> out-of-warranty service. Still, my experience with Yamaha has
> been positive and I'm certain your's will be too given the right
> approach, i.e., help them want to help you solve these
> regards,
> Jon
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]