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Subject: Re: Getting the new OS

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-01-12

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "electric_bubble" <leop@s...> wrote:
> Thanks for the help john!
> I checked wich os i got and it seems like i have 1.01. I read
> something about 1.04, is this the newest os available? If so,
can i
> get it from yamaha? I mean, i bought my an1x secondhand,
why would
> they like to help me then? If i can, then what should i do? Do
> know a email or a person i can contact or something? How did
you do
> to obtain 1.04???

Leo, you'll find answers to most of these questions documented
in the Tips & Tricks section here at Yahoo! Groups:

Just about everything you've mentioned iin this email s a known
problem that can be corrected by having your AN1x serviced by
Yamaha. I've had some of this work completed myself some
time ago and the problems have never reoccurred (sp?)

You'll need to contact Yamaha Customer Assistance in your
country to arrange for a return authorization number, shipping
instruction, etc. I know that Yamaha offers limited tech support
for 90-days to 2nd owners but I don't believe this applies to
out-of-warranty service. Still, my experience with Yamaha has
been positive and I'm certain your's will be too given the right
approach, i.e., help them want to help you solve these problems.

