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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] -- ex5 vs AN1x --

From: "Andrea TONI" <Andrea.Toni@...>
Date: 2002-01-11


tnx bastian to u 2 )

but i think these are the differences with the PLG
i was talking about the AN part inside the EX5 !

the EX5 has tons of effects :-)

Andrea TONI VCO1 \ | |
Science Operation and Data VCO2-->--VCF--->VCA---->DUCATI 996
Systems Division (SCI-SD) VCO3 / | |
email: Andrea.Toni@...

> I think the board has less effects, one extra waveform, crossmodulation and
> only 5 poly instead of 10) And it's monotimbrel instead of bi-timbrel.
> Sonically it's ∗very∗ similar.
> cheers e un anno nuovo ottimo per te anche!
> Bastiaan van de Werk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andrea TONI
> To:
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 11:28 AM
> Subject: [AN1x-list] -- ex5 vs AN1x --
> Hello,
> 1st of all Happy new year to all :-) buon anno
> I will probably get an ex5r and I wonder if it can replace
> 100 % my AN1X (sonically only of course)
> what are the real differences of the AN parts ?
> scene 1 and 2 is retain I guess
> polyphony ?
> free egs ?
> any other major issue ?
> tnx in advance