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Subject: Re: PLG-AN and the Matrix

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-01-10

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "davidcomdico" <davidcomdico@y...> wrote:
> Have any PLG150-AN users been able to get the Matrix to work
> their mothership?
> So far, on my CS6x I've only been able to get the modulation
> and the ribbon controller x to work (but not y--is there such a
> setting for the CS6x or is that AN1x specific?). In AN1xedit I
> assigned a parameter to the mod wheel and presto, it worked.
For the
> ribbon controller I had to change the AN1xedit setting for the
RBx to
> 22, and then it too worked. Oh, and pitch bend worked without
a hitch
> either.
> Then I set assignable controller 1 to 16 on the plg native
screen on
> my CS6x and the matrix controller 1 to 16, but it did not work.
> am I overlooking?

What exactly are you trying to control with MIDI CC #016?

I'm looking at the Control Change Modes chart in the AN1x Data
List pamphlet (p.9) and CC 16 has no default value in Mode 1. In
Mode 2 it is LFO1 Speed. Since I don't own a PLG150AN I can
only assume the Control Change Modes are identical. I'm
uncertain which mode the PLG150AN defaults to but I suspect it
would be Mode 1 and, unless you've assigned MIDI CC #016 to
a parameter in the Control Matrix, I don't see why there would be
any effect?

> Also I noticed that the plg board screen on the CS6x only has 4
> assignable controllers--0but I guess this is no big deal since
> can assign the rb, mod, an pb for "free."

Do you mean that Ribbon Controller X & Z axis, Mod Wheel and
Pitch Wheel have default settings? That would make some
sense to me - but I don't understand why you are limitedto 4
Assign Knobs settings from the CS6x. That seems arbitrary...

