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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Learning to Program/More than One Sequence

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2002-01-04

I'm using the PLG150-AN and am curious if it is possible to assign
more than one sequence to a patch,

You can't actually assign more than one sequence to a patch (a patch
only contains a single sequence memory). However you can play more than
one sequence from a patch using the COMMON module SEQ KBD MODE and SEQ
TYPE/No parameters. It's a little bit complex to explain the various
modes, so I would advise you look up the parameters in the PLG150AN user
manual (PDF). However the basic idea is that if you set SEQ KBD MODE
parameter to either SELECT+NORMAL or SELECT+SHIFT, then you can play
different user sequence memory patterns across the keyboard (up to the
split point).

or to alter the sequence in some way via controller messages.

Not as such! However you can define a controller parameter that is
modulated by each note of the sequence!


Gary Gregson


-----Original Message-----
From: davidcomdico [mailto:davidcomdico@...]
Sent: 04 January 2002 21:07
Subject: [AN1x-list] Learning to Program/More than One Sequence

Hi folks:

I'm using the PLG150-AN and am curious if it is possible to assign
more than one sequence to a patch, or to alter the sequence in some
way via controller messages.

Also, I know very little about programming synths. I owned an ESQ-1
for years but never learned to program the thing. Any books you could
recommend to augment the trial-by-error method.
