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Subject: Re: spectral analysis

From: "tuskermusic" <tuskerfort@...>
Date: 2001-12-22

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "spaceanimals" <alciere@m...> wrote:
> Cool Edit Pro has some cool spectral analysis plug ins. I played a
> few AN1X patches to analyse them. Wow. I didn't realize an
> could do that.

Funny. I just started doing that a month ago. (Great minds?) A friend
sent me a short cut to some excellent freeware which includes a
spectral analyzer, and oscilloscope. People who don't have cool edit
pro may enjoy them. You can find them here:

You may have to click on "utilities". The file is called wave tools.

I have been using these to examine the raw waveforms of the AN1x.
(LPF wide open) It has really helped my programming. For example, I
now use a technique to build a saw wave out of a pulse and a saw. I
put the saw an octave above the pulse. And I reduce the volume of the
saw wave to about 66% of the pulse (because of the way the overtone
series diminishes in volume as you go up). The disadvantage of doing
this is the inability to use oscillator detune for chorusing the way
you do with typically stacked oscillators. But there are other ways
of getting that chorused sound. The advantage of the "build your own
waveform" is that you can play with the intervals and volumes and
realy get a different character out of the synth.

The lead patch I have promised the tutorial on does this. I have to
go back and re-write it step-by step however... in the tutorial form.
I still don't know if I can get to it easily from a 130 init. Still
working on it.

