--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Pablo AZ" <PolHarris@a...> wrote:
> German: "Ramstein."... Brilliant
LOL...Oh Lord yes, they ARE German, and I am not proud about
that...:) (Tom=German) But i surely give them credit for doing what
they mostly get fun out of it. But they started a few years ago with
a more serious approach. Now noone likes them here in Germany
anymore, their sound is overused, their CD´s sound all the same now.
Stomping Electronic beats with Metal-guitars, nothing new in the
forrest of Nottinghill.
I am sure artists like Puffy (oh sorry, he calls himself now
something like Pity...? what a Pity...;))
IMO the AN1x fits in all kinds of music genres...ok except German
Volksmusik...<grin>, doesn´t Lenny Kravitz use one? Or was that a
I think same goes for any other gear. Like the CR78 Phil Collins used
for his Ballads, and nowadays is being used (the samples) in a lot of
Ambient songs. And hey don´t i even hear a sampled breakbeat in the
song, that made Dido popular, and she´s by far not a electronic
AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, <put a name here> use synthesizer,
Herbie Hancock, well you all know "Rock It"...:) And that´s Jazz...
When i read reviews about the AN1x or any other synth, people always
give reviews like this works for Trance, this for Techno...IMHO
that´s being shortsighted. I am sure you can use a Virus as good as
for Jazz, Rock, Metal, whatever, as for the modern styles of
electronic dance music.
Categories doesn´t fit for the AN1x, because a synth is a synth is a
synth, that can be used everywhere.
Hm, i hope you get my point.