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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Arp/Seq CC

From: Kamy <kamy@...>
Date: 2001-11-25

Thanks All

I'll try them all to find out which one is more convenient to work with.


> Why not re-save the Voice with the Arp/Seq turned off? Or, rather than
> record the Arp/Seq output into your sequencer to begin with - sync the
> AN1x Arp/Seq to your sequencer.
> regards,
> Jon
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "Gary Gregson" <gary@y...> wrote:
>> Hi Kamy,
>> There is no way to disable specific parameter changes on the AN1x.
>> However you can embed the sysex command to turn Apr/Seq off within your
>> sequenced song.
>> The sysex is:
>> F0 43 10 5C 10 00 50 00 F7
>> You should insert this after the initial setup data in the sequence that
>> configures patches etc.
>> Regards
>> Gary Gregson
>> Email:gary@y...
>> Hi Group,
>> How do I disable the Arp/Seq ON receive command in AN1x, which is being
>> sent
>> from a external sequencer.
>> After rec a seq/Arp piece, I want to playback that piece, but the
>> recorded
>> midi command embedded in that piece turns on the AN1x's Arp/Seq, so that
>> I
>> have to disable it on AN1x manually. Is there anyway to disable this
>> "receive Arp/Seq ON command " permanently?
>> Thanks
>> Kamy