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Subject: plg150an as a vsti in cubase???

From: "ELEKTRO DAN" <elektro_dan@...>
Date: 2001-11-16

will it be possible one day to use the plg150an or the sw1000xg as a
vst instrument in cubase??
a good use for using these synths as vsti's would be the ability to
add virtual effects while playing these synths.
you could record a sw1000xg sound as audio and then add vst effects
but it's harder to experement this way.

it would be very cool to add vst effects without having to record
plg150an and sw1000xg midi parts to audio.

how about the ability to use sw1000xg effects as vst effects?
the ability to call up these efects in the channel strip?

how about having vst skins on these sw1000xg effects and having
full automation of these effects?

hope these ideas can be real one day.
elektro dan.