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Subject: Re: HUGE Midi Out Problem.

From: tam_ger@...
Date: 2001-11-06

I'm not sure, but it seems to be notes i have pressed on the keyboard
> before.
This statement leads me to believe that somewhere in your chain you
are getting a midi echo, ie the notes are being repeated.
First things to check in cubase is the midi echo, is it on or off?
Second turn off local control on your keyboard, unless it's the only
midi controller in your chain.
Sorry if this seems elementary, but it's the only thing i can think

Let us know how you make out?

Gerry Bolda

--- In AN1x-list@y..., mr__K__@h... wrote:
> Hi There Everyone.
> I have had HUGE tech. problems for 5 months now, disabling ALL
> creativity.
> Random MIDI-notes appear in Cubase or whatever sequencer i use,
> at a time.
> I have investigated a LOT and do know very much of
> computers/soundcards etc.
> Yesterday I found out that it seems to be my AN1X, which I am use
> master keyboard beeing the problem.
> It seems that it is sending away a bunch of notes pretty frequent
> the midi out.
> I'm not sure, but it seems to be notes i have pressed on the
> before.
> Is my An1x broken, is it a setting somewhere i have missed?
> Does it have to do with the sequencer?
> PLEASE help me..
> 1. I do not want to buy a stupid midi-keyboard
> 2. I want to tweak my anix and play at the same time.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Kind Regards.
> /Kristofer Lindblom