well I am sure the modular series is very nice but I am sorry
to say I would just HATE to power on PC/WIN/SW/rest of the crap to edit
a synth .. I really like real time interaction with synths ..
but I am impressed with the possibilities and by the nice Software
Andrea TONI VCO1 \ | |
Solar System and Space VCO2-->--VCF--->VCA---->DUCATI 996
Science Division (SO) VCO3 / | |
Andrea.Toni@... http://solarsystem.estec.esa.nl > Well, have an eye open also for a Nord Modular, or Micro Modular. I
> recently purchased one and this red thing is sooo flexible. You can
> do pretty much EVERYTHING with it, even connecting a coffee-machine
> through MIDI and let it brew your coffee;)