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----- Original Message -----
From: "jondl" <jondl@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, 6 April 2000 00:22
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Beeps at power up
> Peter Korsten wrote:
> >
> >
> > But what's very odd for about the last week or so, is that when I turn
> > unit on, Scene 1 is very soft and Scene 2 has a very high level of
> > When I switch the voice bavk and forth the the + and - keys, the problem
> > gone. I really don't have any explaination for this, but I don't like it
> > either. My AN1x is about two years old now.
> I've been thinking about this while putzing with some patches. Since
> the VCA for each Scene can have its own level is it possible their is a
> routing in the Control Matrix to VCA Level - or more likely in the Ctrl
> Device (under Utility)? Does it happen on EVERY sound? What happens if
> you change the Eff Bypass setting to Only Rev or All EF? Does the weird
> reverb thing still happen?
I reset the AN1x to the factory defaults. The problem is now gone, but for
one or other reason I can't use AN1xEdit (or, as it seems, any MIDI program)
with the AN1x (and EX5) anymore. Receiving a patch results in the display
going black, or flickering very fast (it's hard to make out). Now I had most
of my patches saved at an earlier date, but I can't really use my PC with my
synths anymore. It looks like something is echoing all incoming MIDI traffic
to the out, and my synth don't like that.
So one problem is solved, only to introduce another. :)
-- Peter