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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Anyone else going for "Progressive Rock" sounds?

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2001-10-26

Hi Carl,

"...this unit was marketed toward "Trance/Hip Hop/Dance" musicians"

Don't ya just love those marketing types?!!!

When one considers Techno/Trance/HipHop/Dance strongly relies on the
analogue synthesis methods dating before 1980, I think one can safely
disregard the (sometimes embarrassing) marketing of today's synths. Really
not too much has changed in synth design since.

Speaking of Keith Emerson... at work (TV station) we dragged out the 1980
ELP clip of "Fanfare For The Common Man", performed live in an empty and
very snowy Moscow Olympic Stadium. 11 mins of pure adrenaline. Fantastic

From what I've seen, this list has a larger percentage of non-techno
musicians than many other synths. What are some of the other modern synths
favoured by prog-rock?

Having said that, I'm more the techno/trance producing type, but appreciate
most musical styles that delve deeper than your typical radio-friendly 3
minute single.


From: robotfan@...
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 00:53:26 -0000
Subject: [AN1x-list] Anyone else going for "Progressive Rock" sounds?

I have the AN200 (couldn't hold out for the AN1X), but I'm still
quite happy.

I've been playing with this toy almost every day and I have found
lots of great sounds just by tweaking the knobs (haven't installed
the software yet).

I'm very heavy into prog rock (think Keith Emerson) and that is my
primary target for sound creation. So far the AN200 has not
dissapointed me (and remember, I still haven't used the software

Here's the thing, I know that this unit was marketed
toward "Trance/Hip Hop/Dance" musicians.

So, am I the only one here putting this thing to uses "other" than
those it was designed for?

Also, I am completely ignoring the sequencing and drum machine
abilities of this device. I don't have a use for either (at least
not in the form that they are presented in on the AN200).

I would love to hear what other prog rockers have to say!
