Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Loading .MID
From: alan@...
Date: 2001-10-22
Hi everyone. Very new to all this stuff so forgive me. Use my An1x
for fun only. I love huge phat sweeping synth noises re Polymoog,
Arp, Oberheim etc as used by Gary Numan.
Am now starting to take things a little more seriuosly, so downloaded
An1x edit and have played around with it. Great utility and it works
really well.
However I am stuck with midi files. There was a link a few days ago
re SE&PERCS.MID files from Yamaha. The post said to "load this bank".
I presume this "load" was using an1xedit. Have tried to load in MIDI
banks but just get errors.
Can someone please explain how I do this.
If you think this is a dumb question, wait till you see what I come
up with next :-)
Be well and thanks.