Do the 6 other synths need to be listening for Program Changes on the same
channel as the AN1x is sending?
Stated differently: Is the AN1x being used as the master controller?
If the answer is no to either question, then you'll just need to get the
synths on different channels. If the answer is yes to either question, then
you'll probably have to filter the data.
I may be wrong about these being the only solutions, but my band has a bit
of experience with the limitations of MIDI - we use 2 DMC MX-8 MIDI
patchbays, each has 6 inputs and 8 outputs. We need 2 of them to accomplish
synth routing live... not that there's a huge number of synths (6 sound
engines, 7 controllers, never all used at once... only 4 guys in the band).
The limitations of MIDI become evident when you try to break out of the
"daisy-chain" concept that it was developed for.
Here's a graphic our bassist made that details our setup (in 1999). It
looks a bit insane because it is. I think over the keyboards I've ever owned, I can't remember if any of
them had the ability to turn off the Program Change send. You may be asking
too much from those overworked synth designers.
Ed Edwards
Leader: Ezekiel's Wheel® »»»»Retro-Progressive Rock««««°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°·.·°
----- Original Message -----
From: <mattias.karlsson@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 8:46 AM
Subject: [AN1x-list] Program change - no thanx?
> Hi!
> Not to brag but I have a quite big MIDI-system. I try not use to much
> MIDI-filtering as I have a quite old MIDIpatchbay. However I've ran
> into some troubles when using my An1x. I can't seem to turn of it's
> habit of sending program change (and occasionally control change).
> So when I switch program on the An1x so do another six synths. Is
> there a way to switch it off?
> / Mattias
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