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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Gary G - what u think of KENTON's CC7 killer ?

From: "Paul Murphy" <merfman@...>
Date: 2001-10-12


In all your wisdom as a genius midi programmer, I would like to ask your
opinion of KENTONs decision to kill CC7.

I bought my KENTON home, hooked it up, and was pleasantly surprised by the
new life it brought to my PLG150AN. Happily tweaking the filter cutoff and
resonance controls on my Phatboy, I then tweaked the volume knob and
scratched my head for 10 mins trying to figure out why it did nothing ?

Was my Phatboy busted ? no - the vol knob worked on the SW1000XG, so it
must be a KENTON issue. I opened the manual and was absolutely astounded to
read that they filter it out to avoid confusion with thier SYSEX parameter
that controls the volume on thier own mixer.

In the case of the PLG150AN being connected to the SW1000XG, I would imagine
that the PLG itself responds to CC7 or the SW1000XG does by adjusting the
return path volume on the PLG cards output.

So why doesnt the plugstation do the same ? eg - either send the CC7 to the
PLG, or map CC7 to its own mixer. As an end user I dont care which as long
as my volume knobs work.

I'm still having trouble coming to grips with KENTONS logic of this so I
have emailed them but Im also wondering if its me going mad or if you &
other users are in agreement with me.

----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Gregson <gary@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 8:09 PM