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Subject: Re: X-Mod (was-->Re: [AN1x-list] AN200/PLG150-AN vs. AN1x ComparisonList)

From: "Patrik Rydberg" <rydan@...>
Date: 2001-10-08


As far as I know, X-mod = FM.

With FM here, I mean when one oscillator is used to modulate the frequency
of another. (The FM-synths, the DX-series for instance, use some kind of
phase modulation i think, and not "straight" Frequency Modulation, but I
might be wrong here...)

Note that there is a difference between pitch modulation and frequency
modulation. Pitch modulation is exponential, freqency modulation is linear.


The primary purpose of wings is to prevent flight

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil" <accession@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 10:04 AM
Subject: X-Mod (was-->Re: [AN1x-list] AN200/PLG150-AN vs. AN1x

> Thanks for the comparison, Tom.
> ---------------
> PLG150AN/AN200:
> X-Mod: Yes
> AN1x:
> X-Mod: No
> ---------------
> Question: Does X-Mod or "Cross Modulation" = Frequency Modulation (to some
> degree)???
> Is this where one oscillator is used to modify the pitch of the other? Has
> anyone got any more information?
> Cheers,
> Phil
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